Group photo of family outside


First Meeting
You can expect an open, candid, and honest line of communication from day one.  We need you to understand what processes we are using to help you pursue your goals, how we are implementing them, but most importantly, why we make the recommendations that we do.

Developing a living, breathing wealth management plan is the crux of our service model.  Leveraging the resources of a full-service wealth management and investment banking firm, we can develop truly customized investment strategies.  However, the plan will always come first.

Ongoing Meetings
We let the client drive performance updates.  Stifel’s outstanding technology platform allows us to provide reports as often as the client desires.  Our clients will get at least an annual face-to-face meeting, if geography allows.  We have clients in several states throughout the country, but with the availability of WebEx and Zoom, personal communication is as flexible as needed.

Annual Meeting Expectations
You will first get a comprehensive review of your wealth management plan.  We will ask questions such as:

  • Have your needs, wants, or wishes changed?
  • Are we still on track toward your goals?
  • Is the investment portfolio still appropriate?

We want to answer these questions before we even get into portfolio performance or recommended changes to the portfolio.